Managing Your Anxiety

Messages from Chinuch Research Center

Managing Your Anxiety

Many people deal with anxiety in their everyday lives. How do you define that? How does it affect you and your environment? Can anxiety be addressed? Am I able to change my own behaviors? These are all important questions. There’s lots to think about, and there’s lots to address in making life changes. But we all want to focus on the positive and live in harmony with those around us. True?
You can do it, just read on!

5 Smart Tips for Managing Your Anxiety

Anxiety can impact your mind, your actions, and your body. It is among the most common mental disorders today. And yes, we all feel anxiety at some point in our lives.
Feeling anxious about work, learning, or relationships is normal. A person suffering from anxiety usually finds it hard to interact with the people around them. But when this anxiety becomes something more than just a temporary condition then there is a problem. For some people, the occasional anxious feelings can transform into chronic anxiety and depression. So, as soon as you identify any red flags, start working on managing your stress and anxiety triggers.
The best thing anyone can do is to keep their anxieties from consuming them. Patients may be prescribed medicine by their doctor, but sometimes these may not be adequately helpful. People opt for natural remedies as well. Regardless of what form of assistance you seek, it is critical to be well informed.
To manage your anxiety, the first thing you need to do is introduce some serious changes to your lifestyle. You cannot live an unhealthy life and expect all your worries to disappear. Even if you are taking medicine, you should examine your lifestyle and figure out what changes to make. Only you have that power, and that is why you need to take control of the situation.
Remember, the best way to control anxiety is by staying busy doing positive things.

Here are some smart tips that will help you manage your anxiety and stress.

Make a Plan
Use your time to build new positive skills and find your real interests. There is always room to learn and grow.
The best way to follow this rule is by devising a plan and then sticking to it. For example, what are your ambitions? What skills have you always wanted to learn? In my case, I have always loved to write. If I wanted to keep my mind busy, I would make it my goal to learn how to write things that people would enjoy reading!
Setting goals will bring meaning into your life. Identify the skills you need to achieve these goals. Find out how you can learn these skills and then start practicing. With focus and understanding of yourself, you will definitely be matzliach.

Healthy Diet
You cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body, and vice versa. Make a diet plan that caters to both.
The mineral magnesium in food helps your muscles and tissues relax. A common reason for anxiety, depression, and insomnia can be magnesium deficiency in your body. If your intake of vitamin B and calcium is inadequate, this can cause anxiety symptoms. Your daily diet should include foods that are rich in minerals such as leafy green vegetables (they are the best source of iron), wholegrain cereals, and low-fat dairy products.
You should not only add healthy foods to your diet, but you should also eliminate substances that can aggravate anxiety symptoms. Nicotine, caffeine, and stimulant drugs trigger your adrenal gland, which then releases adrenaline, one of the main stress hormones. It is best to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and unhealthy food as well. Fresh food is always better than processed food with artificial additives.
If you know how to swim, then you should go for a swim at least two or three times a week (if you cannot do so daily).
Swimming is an effective and fun way to reduce stress. Water itself is used in different hydrotherapies, which proves how soothing it can be. Being in contact with water can help relax your mind and body muscles. A recent study stated that being in water can boost the blood flow to the brain, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Practice Relaxation Strategies
Learn to relax and let go of things that you cannot control. Relaxation strategies include breathing exercises and other forms of exercise as well.
You can do breathing exercises anywhere and at any time. These exercises are quite helpful for people who experience panic attacks because of their anxiety, as they can help distract your thoughts and focus your attention on the act of breathing.

Learn Problem-Solving
A lot of times, the main force behind anxiety is overthinking.
You begin to think about an issue, and slowly it becomes this gigantic complication that you cannot figure out. Instead of letting the problem worry you, try to think logically. Can the problem be solved? If yes, then how?
Problem-solving is a useful skill in these situations as, once you begin to find a solution to your problem, you will feel at peace. There is no point in losing sleep over something that you cannot control. If you cannot solve the problem, then let it go!